What do the different CREG prices mean
On the dashboard you can always see the latest CREG prices.

They are 2 types of meters in Belgium, analogue and digital. As you can see the prices calculated by the CREG are different mainly in Flanders.
The CREG is a federal instance that calculates multiple consumption profiles. The ones that are being used here in the wattify platform are based on average yearly consumption of 8000kWh, which includes 1 EV plus the yearly consumption of the household itself. All the prices of all the commercial players are then compared to each other and the average price for the specific month is shown here.
Off course anyone can have a lower or higher price then this price, this is an average based on all the commercial contracts and is not linked to any specific profile. If a customer uses the VREG-test on a regular basis it can always change to an electricity contract with better conditions, meaning a better price then the average which is displayed here.
Currentyl the CREG price as a basis for reinbursement of charge sessions at the home of an employee is not officially regulated. But, being an average price, it sure meets the correct total coverage of the cost of the reimbursement. If necessary, Wattify can recalculate specific periods of usage based on a final invoice of a specific periode of an employee. Meaning that if that employee had a much higher average price then the past average prices, a correction could be made.